At Journey Dental, we are determined to charge fair and reasonable fees for our unique service. We work on a fee-for-service basis and payment is required on the day of service. Payments can also be set up in advance or through auto-pay if preferred. We are not a provider of Medicaid, Medicare, or HMO/DMO plans, and we are not contracted with any PPO insurance plans. If you do have dental insurance or dental benefits, we will file your dental claim on your behalf as a courtesy and have the insurance reimburse you directly.
For out-of-pocket payments we accept:
- Cash
- Checks
- Credit cards
- Venmo
If you have any questions or would like to schedule your in-home appointment with our dental hygienist, Ashlee Syme, call us today at 801-477-6333.
We are proud to provide mobile dentistry in the greater Salt Lake Valley, Utah, area.